Friday, February 19, 2010

Chord For Folsom Prison Blues Everlast Version How Do You Compose Something For 2 Guitars?

How do you compose something for 2 guitars? - chord for folsom prison blues everlast version

I'm in a group, we have 1 guitarist, but if we did we would have to show other people just for all the talent of our people fully Folsom musicians, and there is a lot of 2nd Guitarists, but add in most cases, the only difference we have between the 2 is Shane, our male lead, ripping Arpeggio (researchers from each chain) and type-2 Griffin. I hear a little guitar and I write most of the songs (but the rest of my group took a little). How do I write 2 pieces to be played the guitar at the same time, as without such as 2 entirely different songs? There are a number of agreements that sound good to play together? Help is welcome.


Anonymous said...

This is the best question I have to answer the flour, I love it! Well, one thing that sounds good for all music from rock / metal is the harmonization, where a guy has to play a riff, then the other will play the same in a different key (for example, you could play E, G, E (keep it simple) and the other would play then B, D, E, B, at the same time. While you can do with a guitar sound, much better than two. Another thing is (for each species) , a man could play chords, while the other is a riff of lead, what is most guitar rock bands twice the day. If you use Guitar Pro, I can send some examples, please send me an e-mail to uk

Anonymous said...

That is all, which are complementary and not war sound ... Each place has its own "sound" if you complete and sound great, huge, and not static-y and messy.

You can do this in several ways - a player who has played discs, while the other the rhythm (riffs, chords, etc.), for example. A person that is able to play notes as a whole (to play a few notes, Let Em outer ring), while the other person is crooked or whatever, like (play more notes). You can somebody equalizes a form (for example, have the most acute) and the other person EQ'da) differently (ie, lower middle class.

Part of it has managed to remain in key areas, not just notes release all willy-nilly. If the song is in the key of A, then play notesA key! You can do this by someone playing the chord progression to be done, while the other person, the more Pentatonic Licks A, playing for example.

They have too good to play the notes to such agreements and to! For example, we observe the agreement E7 E, G #, B and D. A person may play one octave pattern that goes back and forth between D and D to G #, while the other person (to play a chord E5 E - E, B).

To be honest, planning a party that takes at least a basic knowledge of music theory and how chords and scales and keys, and notes what sounds good together. Without knowing it more than the basics you should be able to the things away, but it takes time to play and sounds good and "whole" rather than like two different songs simultaneously.

This is not a good idea, two different chords at the same time as his notes more easily than his bitter against each other (play count) ... But if you touch a chord, while the other person is a simpler version of the notes or chords that go well with this string, there is no objection.

An example of this is to open someone to play chords, while the other person to have played agreements bar. It is simple, but it can reach equilibrium (ie people are not as typing furiously at the same time), then it is nice and full, but not too hard to play.

Another possibility is yes, to reconcile. This requires knowledge of a large scale. In general, the alignment passes through a third party or neighborhood... a simple approach, it is the same reef play, but in 5 cases (ie 4 ).... 12 or more boxes above (the same notes an octave higher).

EDIT: There are two people playing the same riff in two different tones which do not constitute the right word. It should be noted, "two people playing a riff harmonized, where notes are complementary, but are in the same key the same scores ().


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