Sunday, February 21, 2010

Tattoo Homer Simpson Womens Crotch Is It Gay For A Guy To Get A Tattoo On The Side Of His Calf (on His Leg)?

Is it gay for a guy to get a tattoo on the side of his calf (on his leg)? - tattoo homer simpson womens crotch

It is Homer Simpson, but some of my friends have said that having a tattoo of the waste at a rate as in the legs is girly for a guy. Is that true?



The Burlesque Show! said...

The only "gay" is a rainbow tattoo and maybe a picture of a butt plug.

But no, the side of the calf Girly Not at all. Hahahha and honest, Homer Simpson is pretty impressive. No, man! My friend is freaking Pac-Man in the calf and everyone you love, including me. If a non-serious tattoo is your cup of tea, have tools, which is stupid. It is your body.

Good luck

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