Friday, February 12, 2010

Cutting Of A Scorpio Man Is My Scorpio Man Playing Games Because He Is Jealous?

Is my scorpio man playing games because he is jealous? - cutting of a scorpio man

Recently, my ex is a Scorpio, he contacted me after a year of not talking to us, asked me if I was seeing someone else at this time, I said that I had ', but was also then-girlfriend, but seem to these are agreed, we see ourselves and had a great time, and he said he would be able to on MSN all week so we'll talk today, when I signed on MSN occupied again and still no response to my post .. in question is jealous that I had a friend or to him that I'm just a big part of it? , Have in recent days on, responded to my messages msn soon as he could, I would tell him to play with if you just cut my serious.or that life.he is so great to stop in many ways but the is me-down ideas? Please help


dave said...

It has nothing to do with astrology trash.

Sounds like he was angry and depressed you. If you follow him, although he is an idiot, he thinks to do in the situation, if you wish, you can pick up and easy for you at any time.

Put your foot down and tell him to lose.

Darling bunns said...

Well, apart from astrology (because you need to learn when the two separated lol). He tries to see if you still have feelings for him and if he wanted to go back, "as it would be easy for him to do so. Whether the two were in the relationship at that time they were not prepared in the lives of others . So, now that he has contacted you. I tell you that things easy and see what their intentions. Beat him up. He put in contact with you, n 'Note, dass Try conflicts Avoid, do not get the idea that you think, "I want you back" or something of that nature. Because if you make below, have feelings for him and it is best when you have your head first. Let hin taking the initiative. Continue to live your life, as they were, and do not be achieved. If you want more than friendship, we will talk at some point, I'm sure. Just take it easy. You do not want to hurt or LED. Depending on what and how it ended with you, who knows whether it makes sense or not.

ish. said...

I understand fully, but I do not think it will be completely cut off from his life. You should particularly that you return after a year. In my opinion, when you say, it would be again if I wanted to get out. the reason for their matches might be a little jealousy, or maybe just need time to reflect. Scorpions are the people to adapt at a moment of bad temper and the need for time to reach them. Experience and thought to be [OK for them to other people on vacation or whatever, but you can date]. I have serious problems mentality.Just throw him because he treated you, but he wants to.

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